- An
Iterative Method is a mathematical procedure that generates a
sequence of improving approximate solutions for a class of problems.
specific implementation of an iterative method, including the termination
criteria, is an algorithm of the iterative method.
different iterative methods for Non Linear System of Equations are
1. Bisection / Binary search method
2. Regula Falsi / False position method
3. Secant method
4. Newton – Raphson method
different iterative methods for Linear System of Equations are
1. Gauss Seidel method ( Upper + LD )
2. Jacobi’s method ( Diagonal + LU )
Direct methods are procedures that apply a few steps and get the exact solution in one shot. No iterations are performed.
The Direct methods for Linear system of equations are –
Direct methods are procedures that apply a few steps and get the exact solution in one shot. No iterations are performed.
The Direct methods for Linear system of equations are –
1. Gauss Elimination method
2. Gauss Jordan method
Elimination is faster than Gauss Jordan, although both share the O(n3)
time complexity.
of convergence –
Gauss Elimination = n3 / 3
Gauss Jordan = n3
/ 2
SEIDEL’s Method (Method of Simultaneous Displacements)
- It
is an iterative method for solving Linear System of Equations.
- Although
it can be applied to any matrix with non-zero elements on the diagonals,
convergence is only guaranteed if the matrix is either diagonally
dominant, or symmetric and positive definite.
matrix is said to be diagonally
dominant if for every row of the matrix, the magnitude of the diagonal
entry in a row is larger than or equal to the sum of the magnitudes of all the
other (non-diagonal) entries in that row.
- Given a square system of n linear equations with unknown x:
A can be decomposed into a lower triangular component L*,
and a strictly upper triangular component U:
- In
Gauss Seidel method to calculate the value of an in-determinate, i.e., an
unknown, we take into consideration the most recent values of other
unknowns. Thus, for storage only one vector is required since the new
value can overwrite the old one and be used for subsequent calculations.
in Jacobi’s method only the old values are considered. The new values must be
kept separately. Hence, an extra storage vector is needed in Jacobi’s method.
But parallelism is possible in the sense that all unknowns can be calculated
simultaneously. This parallelism is not possible in Gauss Seidel method.
JACOBI’s Method (Method of Simultaneous
is exactly same as Gauss Seidel method with only Few differences –
- The
given matrix A is broken down as a Diagonal matrix(D) and a Remainder
matrix which is nothing but
the sum of the strict Lower
triangular matrix of A and the
strict Upper triangular matrix.
= D + R , where
for Ax = B,
+ R) x = B
= B - Rx
= -
D − 1
* R * X(n) + D − 1 * B
= - D − 1 * (L+U) *
X(n) + D − 1 * B
It can be clearly seen
here that the all diagonal elements of A
must be non zero. If even one is 0 then D − 1
won’t exist.
- Whereas
in the Gauss Seidel the A was decomposed in a Lower Triangular Matrix (L+D)
and the Remainder Matrix (U) containing the sum of Diagonal Matrix and the Strict Lower Triangular Matrix.
A = (L+D) + R , where
R = U
for Ax = B,
+ R) x = B
= B - Rx
X(n+1) = - (L+D)− 1
* R * X(n) + (L+D) − 1 * B
X(n+1) = - (L + D)− 1
* U * X(n) + (L+D) −
1 * B
And here the diagonal
elements can be zero in contrast to
Jacobi’s method.
- Gauss
Seidel’s method uses the latest values of unknowns while going through the
iterations whereas Jacobi’s method uses only the old values.
- Spectral
Radius (Gauss Seidel) = [ Spectral
Radius (Jacobi) ] 2
of Variance (Gauss Seidel) = 2 x [ Rate
of Variance (Jacobi) ]
( since, Rate of Variance = - ln(spectral radius) )
Newton-Raphson Method
A function ƒ is said to be continuously
differentiable if the derivative ƒ′(x) exists, and is itself a
continuous function. Though the derivative of a differentiable function never
has a jump discontinuity, it is possible for the derivative to have an
essential discontinuity. For example, the function
is differentiable at 0, since
exists. However, for x≠0, f
'(x) = 2xsin (1 / x) − cos (1 / x) which has no
limit as x → 0.
Of Discontinuities –
Consider a real valued function ƒ
of a real variable x, defined in a neighborhood of the point x0
in which ƒ is discontinuous. Then three situations may be distinguished:
- The one-sided limit from the
negative direction
and the one-sided limit from the
positive direction
at x0 exist, are
finite, and are equal to L = L − = L +
. Then, if ƒ(x0) is not equal to L, x0
is called a removable discontinuity. This discontinuity can be removed
to make ƒ continuous at x0, or more precisely, the
is continuous at x=x0.
- The limits L −
and L + exist and are finite, but not equal. Then, x0
is called a jump discontinuity or step discontinuity. For
this type of discontinuity, the function ƒ may have any value in x0.
- One or both of the limits L
− and L + does not exist or is infinite.
Then, x0 is called an essential discontinuity, or
infinite discontinuity.
Convergence –
Let f(x) be a continuous differentiable
and x=a be a simple root to the equation f(x) = 0 (and also it is assumed that
the initial point chosen is not bad, as explained in next section), then
If f ’(a) <> 0 then there exists
a neighborhood of ‘a’ such that any value of x in that neighborhood will lead
to convergence.
If f ’(a) <> 0 and f ”(a)
exists then there exists a neighborhood of ‘a’ such that any value of x
in that neighborhood will cause the rate of convergence to be quadratic or
If f(x) is twice continuous differentiable and f
‘(a) = 0 and also f”(a) <> 0, then there exists
a neighborhood of ‘a’ such that any initial value in that neighborhood causes
the iterations to converge linearly.
Thus Derivative being zero doesn’t
mean that Newton-Raphson method will diverge.
Alternatively, if f(x) is continuous
differentiable in U, which is a neighborhood of ‘a’ such that f ‘(a) = 0 but f
‘(x) <> 0 for all x <> a in U, then there exists a neighborhood of
‘a’ such that any initial value in that neighborhood would cause the iterations
to converge linearly.
NOTE: The function f(x)
must be continuous differentiable in the neighborhood of the root else the
Newton-Raphson method diverges.
All the above points talk about
convergence with respect to some neighborhood of the root. This is called local
convergence. But not always do we know the neighborhood in advance. Thus for
global convergence a result is as follows –
If f(x) is twice differentiable (may or may not be twice continuous differentiable)
to the right of a simple root x=a, and for all such x (, i.e., all x to the right
of ‘a’) if we have f ‘(x) <> 0
and f(x) * f “(x) > 0 then the
iterations will cause convergence.
Bad Starting Points –

- If the initial point is a stationary point, i.e., where the
derivative = 0 then Newton-Raphson method diverges.
Example –
f(x) = 1- x2 has a
maximum at x=0, i.e., f (0) = 1 (which is maximum). Thus if x=0 is chosen as
the initial point then Newton-Raphson won’t work.
- Starting point enters a cycle
The tangent lines of x3
- 2x + 2 at 0 and 1 intersect the x-axis at 1 and 0 respectively,
illustrating why Newton 's
method oscillates between these values for some starting points.
For some functions, some starting
points may enter an infinite cycle, preventing convergence. Let,

and take 0 as the starting point.
The first iteration produces 1 and the second iteration returns to 0 so the
sequence will alternate between the two without converging to a root.
Thus, even if a function is twice
continuous differentiable (as is x3
- 2x + 2), i.e., f ”(x) is continuous, then irrespective
of the fact that whether f ’(a) and
f ”(a) are equal to 0 or not (‘a’
being a simple root) we can’t be sure of it’s convergence. The Newton-Raphson
method may fall in a closed orbit.
Divergence –
Derivative issues
If the function
is not continuously differentiable in a neighborhood of the root then it is
possible that Newton 's
method will always diverge and fail, unless the solution is guessed on the
first try.
Derivative does
not exist at root
A simple example
of a function where Newton 's
method diverges is the cube root, which is continuous and infinitely
differentiable, except for x=0, where its derivative is undefined (this,
however, does not affect the algorithm, since it will never require the
derivative if the solution is already found):
For any iteration
point xn, the next iteration point will be:
The algorithm
overshoots the solution and lands on the other side of the y-axis, farther
away than it initially was; applying Newton 's
method actually doubles the distances from the solution at each iteration.
In fact, the
iterations diverge to infinity for every f(x) = | x | α,
In the limiting
case of
(square root),
the iterations will alternate indefinitely between points x0
and −x0, so they do not converge in this case either.

If the derivative
is not continuous at the root, then convergence may fail to occur in any
neighborhood of the root. Consider the function
Its derivative
Within any
neighborhood of the root, this derivative keeps changing sign as x
approaches 0 from the right (or from left) while f(x) ≥ x
− x2 > 0 for 0 < x < 1.
So f(x)/f
'(x) is unbounded near the root, and Newton 's method will diverge almost
everywhere in any neighborhood of it, even though:
- The function
is differentiable (and thus continuous) everywhere;
- The
derivative at the root is nonzero;
- f is infinitely
differentiable except at the root; and
- The
derivative is bounded in a neighborhood of the root (unlike f(x)/f
Transcendental Functions –
The logarithm and the exponential
function are examples of transcendental functions. Transcendental function
is a term often used to describe the trigonometric functions (sine, cosine,
tangent, their reciprocals cotangent, secant, and cosecant).
All of the following functions are
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